Friday, July 31, 2009

July 2009

Happy Birthday to Brendan! It's hard to believe that our little guy is 1 year old! Time sure has flown by, and we have had a wonderful year being parents to the best little boy anyone could ask for! Now, since I have become an event planner, I have become a snob about cake, as you can see from the example above. I definitely spent way too much on Brendan's Backyardigans cake, but it was so cute! Now, the question is, did he like his first taste of cake?....... to say he did! He even has a possessed look in his eyes. LOL! Now, his first haircut? Not a fan!
My friend and colleague Dorothy Gautreax ( took these wonderful family photos this month here in Dallas. We also took some in Atlanta with my side of the family but have yet to receive them. Here are three of my favorites.

Even his eyes are smiling. He is such a happy baby!

Another theme of this month has been getting stuck. This month, Brendan has discovered how to open all of the trashcans, including his diaper pail - EW! - but not always how to get his hand out of them. The doggy door is another famous place his hand gets stuck. But I caught two stuck moments on film this month. One with his butt stuck in the doggy bowl, and the other with a pea stuck in his ear. I know, I know....I'm the worst mom ever. ( :

I think by next month's blog, we'll be able to say that Brendan is officially walking. This month he started walking from place to place after pulling himself up onto something. However, he still favors crawling b/c it is much faster. Apparantly, he inheritied the "I hate to waste time" gene from me (poor kid).
See ya next month!


Sara said...

Happy Birthday Brendan!! Amazing how time absolutely flies, huh? :)
Those family pictures are FABULOUS!! I especially love the B&W of the three of you!!
And that cake.... At least you own up to being a cake snob! If only we could get a taste of it through the blog, too! :)
(btw...I'm a bit of a cake snob, too...shhhh)

Our Little Family said...

Happy Birthday Brendan! Love the butt stuck shot. He is adorable. Can't wait to get my hands around him and give him a big hug. Much love to all of you. xoxo